Nonlinear-feedback control for stokes type DAEs

Abstract: We study optimal feedback control for a class of differential algebraic equations (DAEs) with quadratic non- linearity. Systems of this specific form would arise in the discretization of control problems associated with the Navier- Stokes equations, but here we focus our attention on finite dimensional systems with this form. Our approach is to use the strangeness framework to appropriately recast the DAEs as systems of differential equations with polynomial drift terms. At this stage it is appropriate to develop standard approximations to the feedback control laws. We describe this process and note the differences in implementation to other approaches that rely on projections (which can destroy sparsity in the original DAEs). To simplify the exposition, we describe the optimal control for cases when the control does not appear in the algebraic constraints though we describe how this can be generalized.
Last modified: Wed Mar 27 14:18:46 EDT 2024